P. 31

6  Caring activity of  Monitoring and following up the lake

 the lake water surface  water quality and the environmental

            situation of the water surface
                                                                                Monitoring the rainwater network connected
            Laboratory activity                                                 to the lake

 •  The water surface of the lake is a balanced natural environment that represents one of the main pillars
            The company’s laboratory monitors the quality of the lake’s water and the rainwater   The quality of rainwater is continuously monitored at the level of the lake’s
 of the bank development process. On this basis, the company attaches great importance to its care and
            that flows into it, and monitors the environmental situation of the lake’s water   sewage at 20 points, particularly in times of rainfall with the aim of evaluating
 continues to preserve its environmental system, for more than 33 years, by implementing a monitoring
            surface periodically and continuously as part of an annual programme prepared   possible contamination and taking the necessary measures, in coordination
 and maintenance program that is an example and a point of excellence that contributed to making the lake
            in advance. The results of monitoring at the reference stations (5 stations) have   with the government departments.
 project a place of attraction and an area for the development of recreational, cultural and sports activities.
            shown that the lake water quality specifications are very close to sea water and in   Bacteriological analyzes are also being carried out by the Pasteur Institute of
 •  The lake’s waters are characterized by their natural continuous regeneration with seawater, through tidal
            compliance to the required level and approved standards, indicating the continuity   Tunisia to ascertain the quality of the lake’s water and monitor the arrival of
 movements at a rate of every 22 days. By maintaining the water quality, we ensure
            of the regeneration of the lake’s water with the sea in the desired capacity, thereby   water that does not conform to the swimming water specifications, to ensure
 the stability of biodiversity involving at least 42 species of algae, approximately
            ensuring the continuity of the water surface environmental balance.  that the situation is addressed with the concerned structures.
 40 species of fish and several other species of animals, which has continued
 for years. (Compared to a few numbers before the   The results during 2022 were identical to the approved standards and the required level
 lake’s cleansing period which did not exceed 10   Lake ratios converge with seawater ratios
 types of algae and some fish species).                                                                                              35
                    1 200
                    1 000
                    600                                                                                                              15

                    400                                                                                                              10
                     200                                                                                                             5

                      0                                                                                                              0
                          2010     2011    2012    2013    2014     2015    2016    2017     2018    2019    2020     2021    2022
                          The percentage of nitrogen in the water               The ratio of phosphorous in the water

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