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•  Clearing the oueds and waterways to prepare for the rainy seasons and prevent floods, in coordination with the
                                                 municipal authorities.
 7 Maintaining the quality                    •  Carrying out exceptional campaigns for cleanliness and insect control in preparation for the summer season,

                                                 in coordination with the governorate of Tunis within the framework of the regional plan for insect control through the
 of urban space                                  demolition of swamps and depressions, through clearing the water streams, and removing mud and dirt accumulated

                                                 at the heads of water facilities, etc.

                                              The company has played an important role in supporting the efforts of the public authorities to prepare for the «TICAD
 The company works to preserve the quality of the urban space for its customers by maintaining basic   8» summit by focusing the interventions of the working teams on cleaning, priming and painting works along the national
 equipment, clearing roads and passages, as well as the creation and maintenance of public green spaces.   road N° 9 and on the road between the TGM Station and la Goulette etc.
 The most important interventions included the following activities :

 •  Creation and maintenance of green areas, which are considered one of the main components
 of the project, covering more than 50 hectares of the total plots. Efforts focused during 2022
 on planting and caring for green spaces of les Jardins du lac, La cité des Pins and La zone
 Industrielle de kheireddine, within the framework of handing over these subdivisions to the
 municipal authorities.
 •  Maintenance of the public lighting network: The company is working all days of the week, day
 and night, without interruption, to restore the network by removing breaches and repairing faults
 caused by theft and vandalism actions, or from the erection of intensive construction sheds
 and their excessive and non-reluctant exploitation of public equipment.
 •  Follow-up and control of public equipment after the completion of the
 construction works by the real estate developers, and to prepare an inspection
 of the reservations that must be filed by the relevant people in order to obtain a
 clearance certificate to show to the municipal authorities, in order to preserve
 public roads and public equipment.
 •  The removal of dust and construction waste following field inspections,
 along with exceptional interventions to support municipal work within the scope
 of the National Program for Environmental Cleanliness. The construction waste
 that was removed during 2022 was estimated at 102.400 m³.                                   Preparations for the «TICAD 8 summit»

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