P. 15

3 Technical Committee  Standing Audit Committee                                The most important topics raised

 Meetings and membership  Mr. Mohamed Ridha   Meetings                          1.  Follow up on the assets physical inventory ;
 Member and committee chair                                                     2.  Reviewing the results of the internal audit missions ;
 The committee consists of the following members:  The Committee met on 5 occasions in 2022.  3.  Follow up on the recommendations of the Standing Audit Committee ;
                                                                                4.  Follow-up on the recommendations of the auditors on the internal control systems ;
 In 2022, the committee met on 5 occasions, and during its meeting held on   Membership  5.  Financial statements ;
 October 2022, Eng. Atef Rezgui was appointed Secretary of the Technical        6.  Appointing auditors for the period 2023-2025 ;
 Committee to succeed Eng. Nooman Hachicha.  During the fifth board meeting held on December 26, 2022, Mr. Ahmed   7.  Examining the achievements of the estimated budget ;
            Ben Khedher was appointed Chairman of the Committee to succeed Mr.   8.  Periodic follow-up of the Atid Fund I status ;

 Eng. Saud ALGUFAIDI  Eng. Khalid JAMJOOM  Eng. Ghazi CHERIF  Abderrahmen Khochtali.  9.  Periodic follow-up of the subsidiaries status ;
  Member  Member  Member                                                        10. Periodic follow-up of the real estate inventory process.

 Topics raised

 La Perle du Lac 1  Other topics
 •  Appointment of contractors to carry out the complementary works of the   •  Conclusion of a deal related to the expansion of the company’s sub-
 subdivision ;   headquarters in the subdivision la Cité Diplomatique ;
                                                                   Mr. Ahmed BEN KHEDHER
 •  Conclusion of a deal for architectural and technical studies to reduce the   •  Assigning contractors to carry out the rehabilitation works for the networks   Board member
 functional program of the real estate project in the central part.  of the two subdivisions of Les Jardins du Lac and La Cité des Pins ;  and committee chairman
 La Perle du Lac 2  •  Designation of contractors for the completion of the first portion of the
 •  Architectural studies for the integrated real estate project with the Mall ;  Channel’s sediment works for the drainage and restructuring of rainwater
 •  Conclusion of a direct agreement to carry out the task of following up and   and the preparation of the banks ;
 monitoring the implementation of the works for the integrated real estate   •  Draft bilateral agreement between the AlBuhaira development and
 project ;  investment company and the Municipality of Tunisia for the completion
 •  Preparing technical studies for the equipment to develop the area and   and follow-up of the re-tiling of certain drains as part of the provision of
                              Mr. Abdulelah SABBAHI                                                        Mr. Adel BOUGUERRA
 initiating the preparation of a marketing program in order to highlight its   drinkable water to the western region of Lake Tunis.  Board Chairman   Board Member
 technical advantages and urban characteristics.  and Committee Member                                       and Committee Member

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