P. 11

3  The company’s management

 structures and committees  Representatives of the Tunisian state

 Company’s board of directors


 The company is managed by a board composed of eight members 4 representatives of the Tunisian State and 4   Mr. Mohamed Ridha   Eng.  Mr. Adel   Mr. Ahmed
 representatives of Dallah Al Baraka Company. The chairman of the board is given to one of the members representing   Board member, General   Ghazi CHERIF  BOUGUERRA  BEN KHEDHER
                                                           Board Member
                                                                                                                                Board Member
                                                                                               Board Member
                       Manager of the Company
 the Saudi shareholder, while the General Manager position is entitled to one of the members representing the
 Tunisian State.
 Board meetings

 During 2022, the company’s board of directors held five meetings.
            Representatives of Dallah Al Baraka Holding - Bahrain

 During the fifth Board of Directors, held on December 26, 2022, Mr. Ahmed Ben
 Khedher was appointed as a member representing the Tunisian state, to succeed
 Mr. Abderrahmen Khochtali.

                         Mr. Abdulelah
                           SABBAHI                         Eng. Saud                           Eng. Khalid                       Mr. Adil
                        Member and Chairman               ALGUFAIDI                            JAMJOOM                          DAHLAWI
                           of the board                    Board Member                        Board Member                     Board Member

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