P. 46

10       The Subsidiary company “Wash and Go”

            The year 2022 was characterized by continued improvement in performance focusing only on the automatic washing activity, which
            represents the largest share of the washing station’s revenues, the activity achieved a very important development during the
            month of April (Ramadan Al-Karim).
            In order to enhance the company’s capabilities and reduce the waiting period for customers, new investments were made, funded from
            the company’s budget and by bank borrowing, mainly a third automated washing unit, which began to be exploited from January 1, 2023.

            The following is a summary of the most important achievements in 2022 in terms of income compared to the achievements of 2021 and 2022 projections.

             Quality of the activity        Evolution of income 2022 compared to 2021    Pourcentage increase achievements compared with estimates
             Water exploitation                              +8,2 %                                             +5 %

             Car wash station                               +38,6 %                                            +23,4 %
             TOTAL                                          +28,5 %                                            +17,6 %

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