P. 45

The Solaris ship project,
 10 Subsidiary companies                                                    powered by solar energy

                                                                            The parent company, AlBuhaira Invest Company,
                                                                            worked on the completion of the model project

 Al Buhaira Invest Company for Recreational Activities                      for mobility and water space to be launched in the
                                                                            lake on board a boat powered by solar and electric
                                                                            energy, in cooperation with “the Norwegian Studies” and “Research Office “SINTEF”
 The capital of AlBuhaira Entertainment Activities Company on December 31, 2022 amounted to 2.000.000 dinars, divided into 20.000 shares, with a nominal value
                                                                            and “the National Agency for Energy Control “in Tunisia, funded by the United Nations
 of 100 dinars.
                                                                            Department of Solar and Electric Energy (UN) at a value of 440 thousand dollars; with
 SHAREHOLDERS   NUMGER OF SHARES    SHARE VALUE IN DINARS   IN PERCENTAGE   the aim of referring it to SLAL Company for its management and disposal.

 Al Buhaira Invest Company   19.994   1 999 400   99,94                     The construction of the marine station and the water space completed above the water
                                                                            surface for the exploitation of the «Solaris» ship have been completed. It is expected
 Al Baraka bank  1  100  0,01
                                                                            that this pilot project will be operational during the year 2023.
 Al Baraka immobilière  1  100  0,01
 BEST LEASE  1  100  0,01                                                   As part of marketing the ship project, the AlBuhaira Invest Company for Leisure

 El Amana Takaful  1  100  0,01                                             Activities participated in the Gammarth Yacht Show in its second session, which
                                                                            was held in Gammarth Marina from 18 to 22 May.
 Tunis International Fair Company  1  100  0,01
            The Marine Club Investment project
 Mr. Abdulelah Sabbahi  1  100  0,01
                                                                            SLAL has also set up a website
    20.000 shares   2 million Tunisian dinars   100%  A floating restaurant, a multidisciplinary hall on the surface of the   dedicated to ship reservations,

            lake, a business center and an integrated sports center.
 Despite the difficult economic situation, this company was able to confirm the growth of its business volume and performance for 2022.

            During its meeting on June 2, 2022, The Board of Directors of SLAL,
 The fast food restaurant project  approved the launch of the investment project in the Maritime Club.

 The revenues of the fast food restaurant «Cape Corner» represent 76% of the revenues of SLAL.  The project is made up of a floating restaurant, a 350-person
            multidisciplinary room, a conference and meeting center equipped with
 In 2022, the restaurant was able to increase its total sales volume by 18% compared to 2021.  advanced technology and a top-of-the-range integrated sports club with a
            swimming pool.

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