P. 4

Mr. Abdulelah SABBAHI speech                                                                                                                                       Mr. Mohamed Ridha TRABELSI

            Chairman of the board                                                                                                                                              General Manager of the Company

            God Almighty said in “Surat Al-Mulk”:  {It  is  He who  made the  earth   Despite the crises that the global economy has suffered from in recent                   The key success of the AlBuhaira Invest project has been and continues   In 2022, the company succeeded significantly in dealing with the challenges
            subservient to you, so walk among the slopes and eat  from His   years - through the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war                            to be the insightful vision, the rigorous programming, and the ability to   caused  by  the  difficult  economic  situation,  and  was  able,  thank  God,  to
            provision,  and to Him is the resurrection} ...                 - the Tunisian-Saudi partnership still bears fruit, with the permission of its                     adapt, and then especially the credibility of the partners and their serious   fully achieve its commercial goals and to give the starting signal for the
                                                                            Lord... We all hope that Al Buhaira Investment Company will accomplish                             and fruitful involvement  in its success in overcoming  the obstacles it   development of a new, modern and distinguished district (La Perle du Lac 2)
            Thus, with the help of God, the efforts of the “Al Buhaira Development   further achievements in the urbanization field to remain always the pride                 encountered.  This has led the company  to be able  to accomplish  its   that enshrines the desire to upgrade the quality of the product and the city of
            and Investment Company” continued for nearly forty years...     of the Group’s investments in Tunisia.                                                             objectives in order to keep its prestigious place among the developers   Tunis to the ranks of the most beautiful and attractive Mediterranean capitals.
                                                                                                                                                                               of new cities or major real estate projects and to play a leading role and   One of the reasons that strengthened its capabilities and successes is the
                                                                                                                                                                               assume a pioneering role witnessed by everyone. The significant positive   harmony in work between its board of directors, general management,
                                                                                                                                                                               results achieved over recent years are nothing but a translation of the   staff, and the spirit of harmony that prevails among all. I ask God to bless
                                                                                                                                                                               aforementioned  good performance.                              our actions and make success our long term ally.

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